


Arcana55 said:

There's something really weird going on with the colors here. Strong lens flare and chromatic aberration effects. The vivid green highlights in her hair. There are lots of discolored lines and blotches in random places, some areas look like a double exposure. It looks very unnatural.

Quickly digging though housou-kun's work and it seems that this artist has at least somewhat a thing for light with various posts featuring heavy backlighting and sidelighting. The green highlights can also been seen in post #7565752 and post #7386359 in the shaded parts on the opposite side of the light direction, so this might be this artist's way to emphasize the brightness. Weather or not it's an accurate depiction with regards to optics/physics is a separate discussion.

The blotches remind me of diffraction (of which chromatic aberration is a subset) like when sunlight shines though a chandelier or light catcher and fills your room with sparkling rainbow particles.

Which combined with the highlights and the lens flare vignetting does fall in line with the light-theme.

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    I've been thinking every time I catch up on my reading of Saki, that Nodoka's boobs have been gag-sized for quite a while now. They started out at what this site would call medium-sized, and perhaps large for a Japanese girl, but now they're just beyond ludicrous. I don't know if the artist seriously doesn't understand this, or is doing it purposefully to be funny.

    Oohoshi Awai has also had gag boobs since the start of the final round, and at first I thought it might have something to do with her storing up her ability or something, but in the Achiga version she's drawn normally (different artist), so I don't know what's going on... <_<

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